February 8, 2022 . 2 min read . Udhayakumar Sadagopan

Matidor Noa 1.2; Release Notes

Matidor Noa 1.2; Release Notes

Share your project groups with your team and collectively focus on the same list

You can simply allow others to see your project groups:

  • Select a group that you want to share with others
  • Open the 3 vertical dots in the right corner of project pane
  • Enable “Visible to Staff”
  • Disable this option when you do not need to share your project groups anymore

General rules of the project groups

  • The creator of the project groups is the owner of their groups
  • Project groups with the private label are only visible to their owners
  • Only the owner can make a group visible or invisible to others
  • Only the owner can add and remove projects to their project groups
  • Group owner can delete a group entirely

Automatically fill out your forms and save time

You can now use the “Autofill” option to fill out your forms immediately and increase your efficiency. The autofill option will be available when:

  • You added data to the same form’s category previously 
  • You use the same device. For example, when you are switching from your laptop to your tablet, you need to fill out the forms manually for the first time on your tablet

Other improvements

Matidor now keeps your login credential for up to 30 days. If you prefer to log in manually for each visit, make sure to log out from your account.

In this version, the idle mode will be only applied when administrators use spreadsheets to import the project(s).

  • An idle project can be activated only by administrative roles. 
  • When you create a project directly on the map, Matidor will automatically put it on the active mode

We also improved the app’s overall performance in this version and as always, we included many minor enhancements and bug fixes in this release.

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